Curriculum Intent

Our Broad and Balanced Curriculum: INTENT 2022 – 2023

At Park Primary School, our Mission Statement specifies that we want all our children to:

  • Go further than we thought
  • Run faster than we hoped
  • Reach higher than we dreamed
  • Become the best we can

We want to help each child become a caring, confident and curious young person who has a passion for learning and achieving.
In order to accomplish this we will provide a curriculum that:

  • Is enriching and challenging, where children experience the opportunity to learn in a wide range of contexts and allows them to be the best they can become
  • Provides pupils with the core knowledge which will enable them to develop their talents, skills and a love of learning
  • Encourages all our learners to reflect on prior knowledge and dive deeper into the curriculum
  • Develops pupils who are resilient, lifelong independent learners
  • Enriches pupils with a wealth of vocabulary and language skills they need to develop their long term memory and so become successful
  • Equips our pupils with ambition and aspirations so that they become happy and successful members of society
  • Enables children to become creative and critical thinkers
  • Uses its locality and resources to deepen learning, and develop a sense of awe and wonder
  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities and responsibilities and experiences for later life

We will do this by supporting, guiding and inspiring our children through High Quality Teaching and Learning.
By working with our families and the local community we will create an aspirational school community in which everyone is valued and successes are celebrated.

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