Head Girl & Boy
Head Boy
Hello, my name is Aldion. I am the new Head Boy in this marvellous school. I think I will be a good Head Boy because I am hardworking, helpful and do what I’m asked. My favourite subjects are Maths and Science. My favourite sports are football and dodgeball. I joined this school in Year 2 and I didn’t know anyone but, as time went on, I bonded with everyone in my class. Everyone in this school has helped me along the way- through every challenge and situation that has occurred. Also, the teachers make learning fun and I am thankful that they have also helped me.
Outside of school I play for Colne Football Club and sometimes people from Park Primary come to watch me. Sometimes, I like to read books like Harry Potter, Horrible Science and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Although I like all subjects, I don’t like art that much but my all-time favourite subject is Maths. I am also a great role model. In Year 4, someone new called Thomas came to our school and he sat next to me. It was kind of awkward at first but, by the end of the day, we were friends and he was one of my best friends in school. I always try my best and sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail but all that matters is that I tried my best. Thank you for reading this.
Head Girl
Welcome, my name is Phoebe and I’m super grateful to be representing this extremely hard working school as Head Girl.
As Head Girl, I’m very trustworthy with many pupils and staff in school. Also, I am here to respect and support others feelings. I love doing sports- as it’s healthy and great exercise. My favourite subject is Maths, as it is brain challenging. I don’t have a least favourite- as I enjoy them all! Outside of school, I love to do horse riding and hanging out with friends in my spare time.
Although I would love to stay longer with the amazing staff, I sadly can’t. Being given this was so amazing and life changing.