Our Governors

Meet Our Governors:

Mrs S. Midgley

Term of Office: Permanent member

As Head teacher at Park Primary School I am expected to be a member of the Governing Body. I find this role very interesting and it allows me to gain a clear perspective of other peoples views. Governors meet termly for a full governors meeting but committees meet more regular. At Park we have a Resources Committee who look at building, staffing and finance. The Curriculum Committee look at Teaching and Learning. Our Standards and Effectiveness Committee focus on the progress children are making. If anyone is interested in finding out more about being a governor I would love to talk to them.  

Mrs D. Shaw

Vice Chair of Governors
Term of Office ends:  26-03-2027

As a Governor at Park Primary, I enjoy being involved in the life of the school and community. I have been a governor at this school for over four years and I was a governor at a local high school. 
I work part time as a teacher at a school in Halifax and I live in Colne. I feel that my experience in education will benefit the children of Park Primary School.

Mrs J. Greenwood

Chair of Governors
Term of Office ends:  13-03-2026

I thoroughly enjoy my role as a Chair of Governors at Park Primary School. It is interesting meeting people from different professions and working together to ensure that the vision at Park is to give the very best education to every child. As the deputy headteacher I am responsible for progress and assessment so I am in a good position to share this information with other Governors and ensure they understand the strategies that are involved in raising standards. 

Mrs D. Smith

Term of office ends: 15-12-2025
I joined the Governing Board at Park Primary School as a co-opted governor in January 2022 . I have 2 grown up boys , one lives abroad and the other lives next door to me.  I also have a Springer Spaniel called Rosie,  who I enjoy walking and taking on beach holidays in the UK .  In 2023 I was voted on as Chair of Governors and thoroughly enjoyed this role and learnt so much about every aspect of school. 
I have over 35 years of working in educational settings, in both primary and secondary schools . I have lots of experience in working with children with additional educational needs.
I loved the ethos of Park Primary, as well as the variety of activities offered to support the curriculum, so much so that I applied for a role in the school and am currently the Pastoral Manager in school. I am also delighted to say that Rosie has recently become Park Primary school's school dog. 
 Due to now working in school , I was required to resign from my post of Chair of governors . however, I am happy to have been able to remain on the governing board as a co-opted governor. 

Mrs K. Howarth

Term of Office ends: 22-09-2026

I became a Governor for Park Primary in 2022 after working with the school as part of my role hosting forest school sessions for the local community. I admire Park Primary's links within the Colne area and wanted to offer my knowledge and experience to develop the school further. 

Mrs D. Wilkinson

Term of Office ends: 30-11-2028

My name is Deborah Wilkinson and I worked in education as a Teaching Assistant and a Student Manager for thirty years.  For the last five years of my working life I worked in the classroom at ELCAS, Burnley General Hospital. Since I retired I enjoy walking and the great outdoors.  I like going to sunny places, being creative, eating out and spending time with my children and grandchildren.
I volunteer at Pendleside hospice and at school.

Mrs T. Entwistle

Term of office ends: 30-06-2026

Awaiting bio.

Mr G. Hollos

Term of office ends: 30-06-2026

I have been a school governor now for over 33 years starting at Colne Primary School when my two youngest children attended, when we moved to our present house, I was asked to join Park High School and am still a governor there looking after the health & safety site of the school. I joined Park Primary School this year and hope to spend several happy years with them. My hobbies are touring in our caravan, walking, swimming and enjoying our Grand and Great Grand Children.

Mr D. Farry

Term of office ends: 13-07-2027

I have been a teacher at Park for over seven years now, having recently taken a natural stepping stone into leadership as Key Stage 2 leader.  Being a teacher and Governor for Park is an immense privilege.  Working with people from different professional backgrounds is a great way to bring new insights into school and drive our ambitions forward.  As Key Stage leader and English lead, I'm able to impart my in-school knowledge and pedagogical experience to help inform collective decisions made by the governing body.

Mr I. Hindle

Term - awaiting info

Having spent over 40 years in the Aerospace industry and held Director and Managing Director roles for the majority of that time, i was asked to join the Governing Board of Park Primary School to add a different perspective on Vision, Strategy and Leadership to that of Education specialists.

Mr C. Dean

Term of office ends: 08-10-1924

My wife and I are parents to twins who began their Park adventure in September 2024. All four of us are proud to be associated with the school and I hope I can input and affect change where I can with my parent’s perspective. It’s clear to me that everyone involved with Park Primary wants the same thing; the very best for its pupils and their families and I hope I can aid the great work done here, even if it’s just in a small way.

Mrs J. Wainman

Term of office: 25-10-2026
This is the first time I have been a school governor and I am looking forward to the journey I am about to embark upon at Park Primary. Firstly, I am a mum of 3 and grandma of too many! I have two dogs that I love to take with me on holidays by the beach in my caravan. I have worked in education for the last 31 years across Nursery, Early Years and Primary settings. I am currently a teacher in another local school where I have worked across both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. This role is a great privilege and I am hoping to bring a wealth of experience of the curriculum to help benefit the children of Park Primary.

What do Governors do?

Governors are responsible for overseeing the management and strategic direction of our school.  Governors are unpaid volunteers who give their time freely to benefit the school and its community, often spending around 8 – 10 hours each month on school matters. They are accountable to Ofsted, the Local Authority, Pupils and Parents for the performance of the school.

It is the Governors role to work with the Headteacher to ensure the accountability of the school and that the school uses its resources to benefit the school and its pupils.

Governors duties include:

  • Overseeing the schools financial performance and making sure the money it receives is well spent.
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Leading the Ethos and Strategic direction of the school
  • Setting of policies to effectively manage the school
Governors Strategic Vision

Quality of Education
Our teachers have excellent subject knowledge and deliver an ambitious curriculum that meets the needs of all learners where wider reading and language underpin and support creative and critical thinking across our school community.

Behaviour and Attitudes
Our pupils consistently demonstrate positive attitudes and are intrinsically motivated and persistence in the face of difficulties. Pupils behave consistently well and demonstrate high levels of self-control ad positive attitudes to their education.

Personal Development
At Park we strive to provide a variety of rich experiences where pupils contribute positively to the life of the school and the wider community. We equip our pupils with ambition and aspiration, so they become happy and successful members of society and life long independent learners.

Leadership and Management
Leaders have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high quality education for all pupils. They enhance the delivery of the enriched curriculum where assessment is used to drive standards across school. Leaders are held to account by an effective and challenging Governing Board.

Leaders adopt an ambitious curriculum so that children are highly motivated and eager to learn; showing self-control and respect to all. The language rich curriculum strives to foster the social and emotional development of the unique child as well as laying a firm foundation for the best possible outcomes.

How do governors carry out their role?

The governors meet all together once each term at the Full Governing Body Meeting.  There are 4 further committees where more detailed discussions take place:

  • Curriculum Development
  • Resources
  • Committee of Appointed Governors
  • Pay

They are also called upon from time to time to form other committee as necessary.

All governors visit the school regularly to ensure they have a good understanding of the school, its staff and its pupils.  The Chair of Governors will meet with the Headteacher at least once a week or more often when necessary.  Each governor is linked to a specific areas in the school, meet regularly with staff in their link area and receive bi-weekly updates from staff on their area. Findings from the updates and meetings are fed back into the full governing body meetings at regular intervals.

How is the Governing Body made up?

The governing body is made up of a representation of skills from a range of different backgrounds.

  • Head Teacher (1)
  • Staff (1)
  • Parent (2)
  • Local Authority Governor (1)
  • Co-opted Governors (10)
Term of Governance

A Governors term lasts for four years.

The list below shows the Governors that have left within the last twelve months along with the reason for this:  

Sarah Cross – Left August 2022 – Term of office ended. 
Claire Tindell – Left October 2022 – Term of office ended.
Jonathan Ainsworth – Left, July 2023 due to family commitments
Ruth James – Left July 2023 due to pupil leaving school
Maria Paun – Left December 2023 due to family commitments
How to become a governor

When a vacancy arises on the governing body, an election tales place.

Parent Governor – When a vacancy for a Parent governor arises, all parents/carers of children at the school are notified of the vacancy in writing and the vacancy is also advertised on the school website. Parents interested in becoming a parent governor are asked to nominate themselves, by write a short piece about themselves.  Following this an election takes place where all parents of children in the school are invited to vote for a candidate of their choice.Staff governors are elected from the staff body by the staff of the school. The vacancy is advertised internally to all staff and nominations invited.  An election is held with each member of staff being invited to vote for the candidate of their choice.
Co-opted Governors are selected for the skills that they can offer to the governing body.  If you are interested and think you might have skills that would be invaluable to our school, applications are invited at any time by contacting Clerk to the Governors. When a vacancy arises for a Co-opted governor, candidates applications are reviewed and invited to speak to the link governor.  The governing body considers the applications against the skills required and a vote takes place on their election to the governing body.Local Authority Governor – Applications for LA governor are reviewed and discussed by the governing body and a vote takes place on their election to the governing body.

More information about becoming school governor and what the role might involve is available on the website of the National Governors Association http://www.nga.org.uk/Be-a-Governor.aspx

Governors Declaration of Interest
Governing Board Structure and Responsibilities
Record of attendance at meetings

If you would like a copy of the Governors minutes of meetings please contact the school office.

Governors meeting schedule

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