Parent Information
This page contains important information for Park families on the important information you need to know if your child attends our school; uniform requirements, school meals, the Bagels for Breakfast scheme and the various platforms we use to keep connected with our families.
Uniform is compulsory at Park Primary School. We ask that all parents do everything in their power to see that their child is sent to school uniformly dressed.
Reception to Year 5
The school colour is navy blue. Girls require a white blouse or white polo shirt, a blue tartan dress or skirt and a navy blue cardigan or jumper. Boys require white shirt or polo shirt, grey or black trousers and navy jumper.
Shoes should be black, sensible and kept clean. Trainers are not considered suitable footwear for school.
Branded uniform (tartan dress or skirt – required and cardigan – optional) is available from Jean Junction in Colne (near Asda). Non-branded uniform is available from most local supermarkets such as Asda, Sainsbury’s and Aldi.
Year 6
Park Primary provide Year 6 pupils with two new light blue jumpers at the start of the year. This is so they stand out and can act as role models to the other children.
Girls require a white blouse or white polo shirt, a tartan dress or skirt, and a light blue cardigan or jumper. Boys require white shirt or polo shirt, grey or black trousers and light blue jumper.
Shoes should be black, sensible and kept clean. Trainers are not considered suitable footwear for school.
Additional light blue cardigans can be ordered through the school office as these must be ordered from Jean Junction by Park Primary and are not available in store.
The light blue cardigans are a requirement in Year 6.
PE Kit

All clothing should be clearly labelled. Please make sure EVERY item of clothing and footwear is clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
School Meals
Park Primary has its own kitchen in which school dinners are freshly prepared each day. We have a school cook – Mrs Strickland who cooks all the meals and her team follow the Lancashire County Council menu. We also offer a school packed lunch which consists of a sandwich, yoghurt, biscuit, fruit and drink.
The Lancashire County Council website has full details of the catering provision that Park Primary offers. They are currently running with the Healthy Hero theme – see this webpage for full details. Menu options can be viewed as well as lots of nutrition information.
Lancashire County Council Menu
Payment for Meals
Each meal costs £2.70 although children in Years R, 1 & 2 receive a Universal Free School Meal, funded by the Department of Education.
Meals must be paid for weekly in advance – payment can be made via ParentPay.
Free School Meals
Some parents may be eligible to claim free school meals and this could mean that the school will receive additional funding to support children’s learning known as Pupil Premium.
Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:
- Universal Credit with a household income of less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
- Income-Based Jobseekers' Allowance
- Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit, not entitled to Working Tax Credit and household income less than £16,190
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Income Support
- Working Tax Credit 'run on' – the payment you receive for a further four weeks after you finish work
If your child is currently eligible for free school meals, that eligibility will be protected until Universal Credit is introduced (expected 31 March 2025) even if your circumstances change. If your child is still in education on this date, they will be eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) they are in.
If you have a younger child starting school in September and you are no longer eligible, they will not be protected because this would be a new claim.
If you receive one of the above benefits that entitle your child to free school meals, you can also register your eligibility with the council so that the school can benefit from additional funding, called pupil premium.
The pupil premium gives schools extra funding to raise the achievement of some pupils. This is measured by the number of children eligible for free school meals based on the above qualifying benefits. It is worth over £1000 per pupil for the school your child attends.
Apply for Free School Meals with LCC here
Bagels for Breakfast
We are taking part of the National School Breakfast Programme initiative to provide free breakfast for all of our pupils. We have bagels available from The Lodge every morning with the help of our parent volunteers and we have a treat on Fridays of chocolate spread toppings for all pupils that arrive at school on time!
Here at Park, we like to stay connected with our Families and use various platforms for this:
Class DoJo
This is utilised for communication across school and also as a behaviour incentive. You receive a login from your class teacher to your email and then you can set up a profile for your child, view school updates, message their teacher and get notified if your child receives a point in school.
This is our attendance platform which families can access to report their child absent, follow the link below to set up your account and then you can also download the app from the app store to make reporting absences even easier.
We utilise Social Media to celebrate our pupil achievements and share photos of the experiences taking part across school.
This is a payment platform for school meals, trips and one off items. The school office will set you up and send you an email to access your account where you can then utilise this platform for payments going forward.
As the Out of School Club is a separate business, we have a separate payment application for them which allows you to book your own child onto the club and add credit to their account. The school office send you a welcome letter to access this.
If you are struggling to access any of these platforms, please contact the school office.