Welcome to

Mrs Berry's Class 3B

Mrs L. Berry

Mrs K. Wildman

Mrs I. Popova

Welcome to our brand new classroom.  I am looking forward to continuing our learning journey in Year 3.

During our treasure hunt on transition day, you became familiar with the Key Stage 2 building.

Look at this page regularly and show your parents as I will be updating the page with photos/activities of our learning.

In this section you will find more detailed overview documents that you may download. The documents tell you about the exciting topics the children will be learning about on a term by term basis.

Summer 1 2024 Parent Overview
Year 3 Spring 2 Parent Overview
Year 3 Spring 1 parent overview
Year 3 Autumn 2 Parent Overview
Year 3 Autumn Parent Overview
    1v5a4549-smallReading is an important life skill which you will use every day for the rest of your life.  In Year 3, it is important that you manage your reading independently.  Please ensure you read at least four times a week.  When an adult has signed your reading record book, you will be able to change your reading book by yourself.

    Guided Reading will happen four times a week.   Two groups will work with an adult and the rest of the class will work on independent comprehension skills.

    Children love being read to so we do this as teachers, sharing class novels on a regular basis and would encourage parents to read at home to their children.

    Writing is an important part of our day. Cross–curricular writing and Independent writing will take place every week.

    In Year 3, we know how much reading impacts on our writing.  Our writing is usually linked to books we are reading as a whole class.  These are often related to our topic or to a particular author we are focusing on.  We make sure our writing has a purpose and gives us the opportunity to improve our writing skills.  We have reading and writing books, where we collect ideas, vocabulary and great sentences we have been working on.  Writers are magpies, so we take our influences from anything we read or hear – just like real authors!

    Spelling , Punctuation and Grammar is an important part of our writing and we will be spending time concentrating on these areas.

    Reading is an important life skill which you will use every day for the rest of your life.  In Year 3, it is important that you man age your reading independently.  Please ensure you read at least four times a week.  When an adult has signed your reading record book, you will be able to change your reading book by yourself.

    Guided Reading will happen four times a week.   Two groups will work with an adult and the rest of the class will work on independent comprehension skills.

    Children love being read to so we do this as teachers, sharing class novels on a regular basis and would encourage parents to read at home to their children.

    These are statutory word lists provided by the government and children must learn to read and spell the words below.


    Our aim in Year 3  is to make maths fun and lively; we want all our children to love maths.  Part of this includes teaching our children that maths is a subject where it’s OK to get things wrong.  In fact it is inevitable.  If you never make mistakes, you aren’t discovering anything new.

    Children are taught to understand the methods they are using so that they can find and work through their own mistakes.  Of course, it is still essential to have a good knowledge of maths facts to support our learning.  In year 3 , we work towards knowing all our times tables up to 10 x 10 by the end of the year.  The children practise these as often as they can in their mini maths sessions, focussing on personal improvements in speed and known facts.

    Maths is taught and used every day, either in the maths lesson, or in other subjects. We do lots of investigations: challenging the children to be responsible for their own learning and search for patterns or make statements.

    Support from parents is vital to the progress your children make in maths.  Please feel free to pop in for a chat if you would like to know how you can help your child with maths at home.

    Your homework grids will be given out termly. You will be able to complete them in your own time during the term. It is important that you complete your homework as this will be a part your topic work. Research before a new topic will also help your learning.

    Spelling Homework Year 3


    Parents' Guide

    Maths Homework Year 3

    mathsParents' Guide

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