Throughout last week small groups of Year 3 children went on a lovely trip to Harwes Farm. When we arrived at the farm, the children initially fed some chickens, stroked some sheep and looked inside of a wind turbine. Afterwards we cuddled some cute guinea pigs before our walk to Forest School.

At Forest School we climbed trees, went on swings, lounged in hammocks, fired bow and arrows and hid in dens. We safely sat around the campfire for our picnic lunch and afterwards we roasted a tasty smore and drank hot chocolate. It was then time to walk through the woods, looking for deer. Some of us were lucky enough to plant trees along the pathway to help other groups travel safely through the woods.

These Forest School sessions were free to use due to Harwes Farm being supported by Heritage Fund and a donation will be made to this charity.

All the children and staff from Year 3 would like to thank Jill from Harwes Farm for these wonderful days we have experienced. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and luckily the weather stayed fine for all of our trips!

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