Welcome to

Mr Swarbrick's Class 5S

Mr J. Swarbrick

Mrs S Aslam

Mrs F. Mitchell

year5f-3-smallWelcome! I am looking forward to a fun-packed year with lots of new learning going on each and every day. Year 5 is a very important year as we are preparing for Year 6 and the transition to high school. It is very important to share your learning with your family so that they can support you throughout the year . Keep your eye on our webpage for updated class news, pictures of our day to day life.

In this section you will find more detailed overview documents that you may download. The documents tell you about the exciting topics the children will be learning about on a term by term basis.

Year 5 Autumn Term 2 Parent Overview
Year 5 Autumn Parent Overview
    year5f-6-smallIn Year 5, reading is paramount to help with progress in writing skills. Children can draw on books read to inspire their writing and help them use the adventurous vocabulary they have discovered. It is hoped that children are fluent readers in Year 5 and they can now focus on developing deeper skills of comprehension – inference and deduction skills.

    The teaching of reading needs to be a partnership between school and home. Children are required to read at least four times a week and then discuss the texts to improve and develop comprehension skills. Parents are encouraged to fill in their child`s Reading Log so that the teacher can monitor and assess accordingly.

    The children will also experience daily Guided Reading sessions where they will read to an adult and complete appropriate follow on tasks independently.

    Children love being read to so we do this as teachers, sharing class novels on a regular basis and we would encourage parents to read at home to their children as often as possible.

    year5f-12-smallIn Year 5, we use a combination of books, outside visits and visitors to the school as a stimulus for our writing.  Children experience a wide variety of texts in both fiction and non-fiction and the different writing skills used by the authors are focussed on in daily writing lessons.  This gives the opportunity to collect examples of good vocabulary, well written sentences and exciting plots which children can magpie for their own creative pieces of work.  The children learn which key features should be included in pieces of writing and help to put together marking ladders to use as a checklist.

    Good examples of children’s work are celebrated each week.  They are published on the Pobble website and displayed in the KS2 hall which gives children a sense of achievement and pride in what they have created.

    Spelling test words are given out on Fridays.  The dictation test takes place on Thursdays.

    Children will be provided with a spelling list giving example words for a particular letter string, spelling rule or word part.  They will then also be tested on additional words to make sure they can apply their knowledge.

    For example, if your child is learning ‘-ough’ words their spelling list may contain the words bough, cough and though and then they may also be tested on words that do not appear on their list such as thought.

    They will be given an additional 2 words each week not linked to the spelling rules but are words from the National Curriculum that Year 5 children are expected to know.

    These are statutory word lists provided by the government and children must learn to read and spell the words below.


    year5f-11-smallIn year 5, we aim to make our daily maths lessons engaging and accessible to all through a range of stimulating interactive activities.  Children are always encouraged to have a go and have no fear of making mistakes as this is how we progress.  In our classes we have a range equipment to support learning and enable children to visualise mathematical concepts.  We encourage children to work independently and cooperatively in solving mathematical challenges.

    Knowledge of the all times tables and related division facts are critical to ensure progress in Year 5.  If the children lack confidence in their times tables they will struggle to work at the required speed and accuracy and therefore will not reach expected levels.  It is important that children practice these at home with an adult at every opportunity (a quick fire test orally or written, no longer than 10 minutes per session is needed).

    Certain elements of the Homework Grids are essential, these include: learning spellings and times tables; daily reading and discussion of texts read.  It is important that an adult plays a significant part in this home learning.

    Other half termly activities encourage children’s creativity linked to the current topic studied.  We try to make these activities fun and creative, where parents and children can work together either through research or hands on tasks.

    Spelling Homework Year 5


    Parents' Guide

    Maths Homework Year 5

    mathsParents' Guide

      Useful Links

      http://www.topmarks.co.uk - Maths and English games

      http://www.topmarks.co.uk- Hit the button Maths

      woodlands - literacy and topic information

      http://www.bbc.co.uk  - BBC Maths

      http://www.bbc.co.uk - BBC English

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