A Tour of St Bartholomew’s Church

News As part of R.E Week, Year 2 visited St Bartholomew’s Church to discover which symbols Christians use within church as well as looking at the amazing interior of the nine hundred and one year old building! Reverend Alex was a super host, he sang with us, gave us...
May 26, 2023

Delightful Donations in Year 2

News As part of our Global Theme- Social Justice and Equity, the children in Year 2 generated ideas on how to help people in our local area. Social Justice and Equity links to fairness and allowed us to look at rich and poor people. As our Charity is Curry On the Street,...
May 26, 2023
Victorian Day in Year 2

Victorian Day in Year 2

Classwork   Year 2 took a step back in time for Victorian Day last week. The children entered school dressed as Victorian children and were then given a new ‘Victorian’ name for the day. The children took part in various activities throughout the day, these included...
Apr 2, 2023

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