Statutory Information

Our Key Stage 2 Results for the 2023-2024 Academic Year were as follows: 

Expected Standard in Reading- 77% (National 74%)
Expected Standard in Writing-  74% (National 72%)
Expected Standard in Maths- 84% (National 73%)
Higher Standard in Reading- 28% (National 28%)
Higher Standard in Writing- 18% (National 13%)
Higher Standard in Maths- 26% (National 24%)
The Department of Education give information on the achievements of pupils in primary schools and how they compare with other schools in the Local Authority (LA) area and in England as a whole. Park Primary are proud of our pupils’ achievements and regularly score well above the national average. Standards and achievements are showing an upward progression and the school is proud of the high standard it sets for our staff and pupils.

Guide to using performance tables

The Department of Education has produced a video explaining what performance tables are and how they can be used to assess school performance. You can follow the link below to view.

Park Primary academic performance tablesPerformance tables guidance 

Ofsted Report

Park Primary was inspected on the 28th and 29th June 2022 and we are very pleased to have been awarded the Good School status.

We are very happy to offer you the ability to either download a copy of the 2022 inspection report or you can visit the Ofsted website to view the report there.

Ofsted Report June 2022 Ofsted Website 

 Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium funds are additional monies allocated to schools by government to help them address the barriers to learning and close the gap in attainment for disadvantaged pupils.

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools based on the number of pupils on roll who are:

  • In receipt of Free School Meals or have received Free School Meals in the last 6 years
  • In Care or who have been under the care of the Local Authority for 1 day or more
  • Children of British Armed Service Personnel or recorded as Ever 4 Service Children or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence
  • Pupils adopted from care under the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and pupils who have left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order

How do we use Pupil Premium?

At Park Primary we use Pupil Premium funding in an imaginative way to address the key barriers to learning, by improving communication skills; developing reading, writing and mathematics skills.

But we also recognise that education is not just about academic attainment and at our school we place a great importance on the social and emotional well-being of our pupils through our Nurture programme.  Another important aspect of learning Pupil Premium is creating an opportunity to address is that of parental involvement.  We work closely with parents to developing partnerships, build relationships to help tackle issues such as behaviour and attendance.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Schools are required to publish information on their website for parents/carers so they can understand how the monies are being used by the school to address the inequalities for disadvantaged pupils at the school and the impact the activities have on their attainment and progress.

The reports below detail the grant funding received, how it was spent and the impact these measure have had on the pupils at the school.

2019-2020 2021-2024 2024-2027 

 Sports Premium

What is Sports Strategy?

The PE and Sports Premium Grant is funding allocated to schools to support them to provide additional and sustainable improvements to their PE and sports provision for  the benefit of current pupils and those who will join the school in years to come.

The amount of money a school receives is based on the number of pupils it has on roll in Years 1 – 6.  Schools are allocated £16,000 plus an additional £10 per pupil.

How do we use it?

At Park Primary the grant is helping us to maintain and improve the sporting opportunities for all our children to help them learn about the benefits of leading an active and healthy lifestyles and to make healthy choices.

We provide a range of sporting activities and facilities for all children including those with Special Educational Needs.  It has allowed us to increase pupil’s opportunities to participate in sport both in school and through partnerships with other schools in the Borough.

Here are just some of the activities and facilities we use our grant to provide:

  • Membership of the Pendle Sports Partnership which facilitates inter-school tournaments, leagues and specialist coaching in netball, football, cricket, bowls, tag rugby, swimming and dancing
  • Specialist training for our Staff to deliver the PE curriculum
  • A Hydrotherapy pool
  • Specialist sports coaches who visit the school on a weekly basis
  • Subsidising our extra-curricular sports  clubs
  • Providing opportunities for pupils with a Special Educational Need to enjoy and access sports such as curling, athletics, tennis, sailing, swimming and horse riding.

All children are encouraged to ‘have a go’ and know that their efforts will be appreciated and praised whatever the outcome. With this ethos we see most of the children in school taking part in sport at some point and many taking part on a very regular basis, making sport a life choice.

Sports Strategy Statement

Schools are required to publish information about how they use PE & Sports Premium funding, what impact is has had on the pupils in the school and how the improvements will be sustained.  The reports below give parents information about the grants we received, how we use the money and the impact it has on the children in our school.

 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024

 Covid Catch-Up Premium

What is Covid Catch-Up Premium?

Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.

Schools’ allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil.

How do we use it?

Park Primary will use this funding for specific activities to support our pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

We have the flexibility to spend this funding in the best way for our cohort and circumstances.

To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students. Schools should use this document to help them direct their additional funding in the most effective way.

Covid Catch-Up Plan 

Financial Benchmarking

Please follow the link to view school financial benchmarking information and compare Park Primary School to other schools within the UK.

We do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.





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