Remote Learning

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. As a school we need to make arrangements to continue the education of your child should there need to be any closures in school due to COVID-19.

The remote education at Park Primary School is as close to the classroom curriculum as possible. Just like our classroom curriculum, it is carefully sequenced and ensures that children obtain the building blocks they need to move on to the next step.

The Remote Curriculum

The ‘remote curriculum’ is the broad term encompassing any learning that happens outside of the classroom, with the teacher not present in the same location as the children. The way in which our remote curriculum is delivered depends upon what content is being delivered and the age and stage of the children:

  • Online learning where the curriculum is delivered via technology such as Class Dojo and Google Classroom. This is mainly made up of ‘live’ lessons as well as some pre-recorded videos and/or resources to support children’s learning to complete either online or in a paper-based exercise book at home.
  • Work packs for Foundation Stage pupils
  • Sign posting families to external apps and websites that would further support engagement in remote learning.


Teachers will provide a timetable with a summary of each lesson that will take place. Links will be provided in this timetable to where parents and children can find the online teaching videos and resources for each lesson. The expectations of lessons each day will be:

  • A maths lesson
  • An English lesson
  • A phonic lesson (Foundation Stage and KS1)
  • Spellings (KS2)
  • Mental maths activity
  • A lesson for one of the foundation subjects (science, history, geography, music, computing, art, RE)

The timetable will be shared with all parents and carers as well as a ‘remote learning pack’ which will consist of a book, pencil, relevant logins to the programs that school subscribes to as well as any additional resources needed for Reception classes. Remote learning packs will be sent home before ‘bubbles’ need to self-isolate as a precaution.

Remote Learning

In the event of full or partial closure teachers will use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:

  • Have daily contact with pupils/parents via Google Classroom between the hours of 9am-3pm
  • At least three live teaching session via google meet each day with pupils in key stage 1 and 2
  • Learning to be shared via Google Classroom to access as part of the live lessons.
  • Printed work packs
  • A weekly phone call with vulnerable children.
  • A daily live session for EYFS children and pre-recorded sessions.
  • TAs support the class teacher deliver Live Lessons – sometimes the TA will lead a Breakout Room session.

Timings for Remote Learning

The expectations set out by The Department for Education require schools to set meaningful and ambitious work each day in several different subjects. Schools are expected to provide remote education that includes either recorded or live direct teaching and should be of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school. As a minimum that is:

  • 3 hours a day for Key Stage 1
  • 4 hours a day for Key Stage 2

Those hours include both direct teaching and time for pupils to complete tasks or assignments independently.

Engagement and Feedback

Children are expected to attend online Google Meets sessions with their teachers and complete the work set. We follow up remote absences in the same way, in line with school policy on absence and attendance. A timetable is shared with all parents and carers setting out the expectations for the day. Children can contact their teachers via Google classroom during live lessons, if further support is needed.

If a child is not engaging in remote learning the class teacher will contact parents via ClassDojo or a phone call. If it continues, the teacher will forward concerns to the Inclusion Team and log on Safeguard Software. Welfare checks will take place for those families who are not engaging and not responding to telephone calls. All welfare checks will be within COVID guidance (Face, Space)  If your child is struggling to access the learning materials online, please contact your child’s class teacher via ClassDojo.

Pupils will receive daily feedback on the work they have completed through Google Classroom. Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:

  • Teachers will comment on the work your child has submitted. It may be a ‘well done’ comment or a comment to ask them to look again at a question. If your child’s teacher thinks that your child needs more support with a question or area of learning they will contact them individually either via the private message tool or through a phone call.
  • During the live lesson, teachers will ask the class questions.
  • At the end of a series of lessons, your child may be asked to complete an online quiz

It is important the children engage with the remote learning activities to continue their education during periods of self-isolation however we do acknowledge that each family’s home circumstances are unique and there may be factors that affect engagement with home learning. These may include parents working from home or limited access to technology among other factors. Communication is essential and we ask that if parents are finding things difficult to get in touch with their child’s class teacher so we can support and put measures in place.

Individual self isolation

If a child is self-isolating they will be provided with work on a daily basis via class dojo or Google Classroom. The work provided will be similar to what the children in class are covering. Where there is significant new learning taking place in class that requires teacher input, the child will be directed to a relevant lesson on Oak Academy and on their return to school a teacher or classroom assistant will check their understanding and provide further teaching if required.

Access to technology at home

Most of our families now have access to laptops or devises. Laptops can be loaned out to families who require them. We will endeavour to loan a laptop for each child. If children do require any printed materials please contact your child’s class teacher.

Logins to online learning at home

The school subscribes to a number of online learning resources which can be accessed at home. It is essential that children and parents have access to the relevant login details from the start of the school year so that they are immediately available in the event of a closure of self-isolation. The login details will be sent home inside the ‘remote learning pack’.

Login details that should be included are:

  • Google Classroom (Year 1- Year 6)
  • Purple Mash
  • Charanga

Class Dojo

All parents are connected to Class Dojo across the school community. This will continue to be used as a means of direct communication between the staff and parents using the ‘whole school story’, ‘class story’ and individual messaging.

Google Classroom

Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 in school will be provided with a Google Classroom login. Activities will be posted to Google Classroom as well live lessons. Teachers expect all children to be logged on by 9am to be ready for live learning. 

We would like to inform parents/carers that Google Classroom will show the names of the other children in your child’s class when they login. The ICO has said that this is a reasonable and proportionate way for children to access the resources during this current time.

Online Learning Resources

Purple Mash is an online portal containing many activities for a full range of subjects. Each child has their own login and teachers can set tasks for the children. When children complete a task on Purple Mash they can submit it to their teacher who can comment on it.

Charanga – Those using the Charanga platform are adopting Yumu to support their students’ music-making and learning at home. Yumu is a secure online space where students learn, play and develop their musicianship by:

  • completing assignments that you set using your own favourite resources or Charanga’s.
  • engaging in independent learning, chosen from a range of exciting Yumu Packages.

Oak National Academy– Visit our online classroom to view all of Oak’s free lessons, searchable by key stage, year or subject. Or visit our About Oak pages to find out more about our work.

BBC Bitesize– Explore our best videos, articles and quizzes for primary and secondary students and discover new Primary Catch-Up Lessons to get back on track. BBC Bitesize covers all subjects.

Topmarks– Topmarks has a range of educational resources, games and links to other websites covering all subjects.

Toy Theatre– Toy theatre is a collection of interactive educational games covering a range of subjects.

ICT Games– Educational maths and English games aimed at 5-8 year olds.


Phonics Play– Some free phonic games.


Red Rose Maths – Together, we’re building a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. No matter what their starting points, we help teachers and learners everywhere to achieve excellence.

Prodigy Maths Game – Sign up for free access to Prodigy Math Game world, where you answer maths questions to complete epic quests and earn in-game rewards. For children at all levels.

SplashLearn– is a free resource for children from Reception to Year 6. Sign up to have a personalised learning path fit for catching up, enrichment or regular practice. Full of fun, interactive maths games.

Foundation Subjects

Joe Wicks’ Workouts – Access a variety of different types of workouts to stay active on Joe Wicks’ youtube site: The Body Coach TV.

Cosmic Kids Yoga –  Cosmic Kids Yoga are interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence – and gets kids into yoga and mindfulness early! Each episode is its own story, so you can enjoy the Cosmic Kids series in any order.

Go Noodle for Families– A wide range of fun dances for children to learn and help them stay active.

National Geographic Kids – Discover cool fun facts about space, bugs, animals, dinosaurs, and so much more!


SciShow Kids – SciShow Kids explores all those curious topics that make us ask “why?” Whether conducting experiments, researching new questions, or talking with experts, there’s always something new to discover with SciShow Kids, no matter what your age!


Hour of Code– Trying an Hour of Code is a simple and fun way to introduce students to computer science.

Blockly Games– Blockly Games is a series of educational games that teach programming. It is designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer programming. By the end of these games, players are ready to use conventional text-based languages.

KS1 computing activities on BBC bitesize

KS2 computing activities on BBC bitesize

Wellbeing Activities

14 days of wellbeing activities
Coronavirus- A book for Children
Dave the Dog is worried about Coronavirus – A story for children

Parent Guides
This link takes you to a youtube channel which is filled with videos to help parents get online with google tools for schools:

Google tools help guides
How to use Google Classroom
Google Classroom guide
A look at Google Classroom
Class Dojo Parent Tutorial
How students post to their portfolio on Class Dojo


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