
Meet the Governing Board 

Governors (ID 1099)

  • Mrs J Greenwood
    Chair of Governors
  • Mrs D Shaw
    Vice Chair of Governors
  • Mrs S Midgley
  • Mrs D Smith
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr I Hindle
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr G Hollos
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs J Wainman
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs K Howarth
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs T Entwistle
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr D Farry
    Staff Governor
  • Mr C Dean
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs L Gee
    Parent Governor

Governor's Role

Governors are responsible for overseeing the management and strategic direction of our school.  Governors are unpaid volunteers who give their time freely to benefit the school and its community, often spending around 8 – 10 hours each month on school matters. They are accountable to Ofsted, the Local Authority, Pupils and Parents for the performance of the school.

It is the Governors role to work with the Headteacher to ensure the accountability of the school and that the school uses its resources to benefit the school and its pupils.

Governors duties include:

  • Overseeing the schools financial performance and making sure the money it receives is well spent.
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Leading the Ethos and Strategic direction of the school

Governor Duties

The governors meet all together once each term at the Full Governing Body Meeting.  There are 4 further committees where more detailed discussions take place:

  • Joint Resources, Curriculum and Standards Committees
  • Pay

They are also called upon from time to time to form other committee as necessary.

All governors visit the school regularly to ensure they have a good understanding of the school, its staff and its pupils.  The Chair of Governors will meet with the Headteacher at least once a week or more often when necessary.  Each governor is linked to a specific areas in the school, meet regularly with staff in their link area and receive bi-weekly updates from staff on their area. Findings from the updates and meetings are fed back into the full governing body meetings at regular intervals.

Governing Board Structure

The governing body is made up of a representation of skills from a range of different backgrounds.

  • Head Teacher (1)
  • Staff (1)
  • Parent (2)
  • Local Authority Governor (1)
  • Co-opted Governors (10)

Terms of Governance

A Governors term lasts for four years.

The list below shows the Governors that have left within the last twelve months along with the reason for this:  

S Cross – August 2022 – Term of office ended 
C Tindell – October 2022 – Term of office ended
J Ainsworth – July 2023 - Family commitments
R James – July 2023 - Pupil leaving school
M Paun – December 2023 - Family commitments
D Wilkinson - October 2024 - Personal circumstances

How to become a Governor

Parent Governor
When a vacancy for a Parent governor arises, all parents/carers of children at the school are notified of the vacancy in writing and the vacancy is also advertised on the school website. Parents interested in becoming a parent governor are asked to nominate themselves, by write a short piece about themselves.  Following this an election takes place where all parents of children in the school are invited to vote for a candidate of their choice.

Staff Governor
Staff are elected from the staff body by the staff of the school. The vacancy is advertised internally to all staff and nominations invited.  An election is held with each member of staff being invited to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Co-opted Governor
These are selected for the skills that they can offer to the governing body.  If you are interested and think you might have skills that would be invaluable to our school, applications are invited at any time by contacting Clerk to the Governors. When a vacancy arises for a Co-opted governor, candidates applications are reviewed and invited to speak to the link governor.  The governing body considers the applications against the skills required and a vote takes place on their election to the governing body.

Local Authority Governor
Applications for LA governor are reviewed and discussed by the governing body and a vote takes place on their election to the governing body.

More information about becoming school governor and what the role might involve is available on the website of the National Governors Association.



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