Our aims in teaching computing is that it is presented as a creative and fascinating process where children are encouraged to use their own initiative, imagination, reasoning and investigation skills. We hope that all students learn to appreciate the relevance of computing in our society, and that they see it as an essential tool for learning, for communication, for finding information, for controlling and understanding. Pupils are given the opportunity to describe, illustrate, interpret, predict and explain when using technological language and conventions. Every child receives equal opportunity to develop their computing capability alongside, the acquisition of other basic skills during their primary education.
Computing is taught with a combination of resources from Teach Computing and Purple Mash.
S.E.N.D and Equal Opportunities
We aim to give all children the opportunity to develop an appreciation of different aspects of Computing.
All pupils will have access to the use of computing regardless of gender, race, cultural background or any physical or sensory disability. Teachers ensure that all children find the work accessible, stimulating and, whenever possible, appropriate to their interests. Where use of a school computer proves difficult for a child because of a disability the school will aim to provide specialist equipment and software so that the child may have access. Students with learning difficulties can be given greater access to the whole curriculum through the use of technology. Children with special needs may also find it easier to express their ideas and feelings in a visual way and will benefit from ‘open ended’ tasks and activities.