Welcome from the Head Teacher
We strive to ensure that all children leave Park Primary with the skills that will equip them for life and with a joy of learning. Our dedicated staff, parents and governors all work together to make Park Primary School the best possible place for your child.
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Midgley
News & Events
Puberty Talk
Today Year 4 had a Puberty talk by Karen from Coram Life Education. Karen discussed the changes in our bodies and how...
A Bird Box Bonanza!
After a hectic and exhausting week (for poor Mr Farry and his blistering hands) doing the Year 6 Bird Box project, the...
A Tour of St Bartholomew’s Church
As part of R.E Week, Year 2 visited St Bartholomew's Church to discover which symbols Christians use within church as...
Delightful Donations in Year 2
As part of our Global Theme- Social Justice and Equity, the children in Year 2 generated ideas on how to help people...
Fishing for dolphin safety!
As part of Year 1's learning about Social Justice and Equity, they have explored the work of Greenpeace after reading...
Year 3 Harwes Farm Trip
Throughout last week small groups of Year 3 children went on a lovely trip to Harwes Farm. When we arrived at the...