Welcome! When children leave our class, we aim for them to have the following skills:
- Know that they are part of a team and a school family
- Know how to share and take turns
- Know how to write a letter
- Be able to write joined up!
- Know a range of stories
- Be computer literate
- Be able to tell the time
- Know the times tables
- Know about being safe and making healthy lifestyle choices
- Learn independently
- Be able to solve problems
- Play board games
- Take part in sport
- Be a responsible citizen
- Children will be given time first thing in the morning to hand in their reading records and change any books
- Children will complete guided reading and comprehension tasks daily
- Children who have not reached the expected level by Year 6 will be given extra support through booster sessions and one to one reading
Parents’ role:
- Encourage children to read for 10 minutes daily
- Ask questions to check understanding
- Leave feedback in their reading record
“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”
(Toni Morrison)
Children will cover a range of genres from writing formal letters to persuasive debates and stories. These will be linked to the topic they are covering in all subjects including English, History, Geography and Science.
In Year 6, children’s writing in class is used as evidence for their final SATs assessment. Therefore, they must show all their skills from grammar, spellings and vocabulary in different pieces of writing. There is a great focus on independent writing and grammar this year and they will be provided with writing opportunities that engage them.
Parents’ role:
- Encourage children to explain things in full sentences and make sure their homework is to the standard expected in school
- Ask children to make notes of new vocabulary they learn during their reading
- Encourage children to complete any grammar homework
- Most importantly, speak to us if you need support or have any questions
Example spelling rules for autumn term:
- Week 2: the suffix -ous
- Week 3: the suffix -ous
- Week 4: -sure endings
- Week 5: -ture endings
These are statutory word lists provided by the government and children must learn to read and spell the words below. Pupils in Year 6 need to revise and know years 3 through 6 spelling lists!
“By the end of Year 6, pupils should be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages.”
(This can only be achieved with secure times tables and related division facts)
Techniques to help learn their tables:
- Chant them (one times 2 is 2, two times 2 is 4, etc)
- Sing times tables songs, make up their own songs, dances and actions!
- Chant them forwards, backwards, randomly (it may help to have them written in front of them to start with so that chanting in rhythm correctly – remove or cover facts as they get more confident).
- Have flash cards – play pairs with them (eg. 16 4×4)
- Put their tables up around their bedroom – chant them looking at the tables – take one table down each day – encourage them to still look to where it had been displayed (this helps them to visualise it)
- Online games – they have fun with these and it helps consolidate their learning
- Race against themselves – have random tests – they have to do it quicker each time
Children will be given a weekly test. We will be going back to recap all times tables, which the children should be secure with. Please test these times tables at random. Children will be given challenges during the mini maths sessions where they will apply their times tables knowledge to solve more complex problems.
- Practise and learn spellings
- Read each night
- Practise and learn times tables
In preparation for SATs later in the year, children will be expected to:
- Complete any grammar work given
- Complete their maths/arithmetic task given
Parents’ role:
- Support and encourage, but avoid ‘doing’ the homework!
- Let us know if they struggled with any of the tasks
- Inform us if they spent the time on the task but couldn’t complete it
- Let us know if there is a genuine reason why the homework was not completed
Useful Links
https://uk.ixl.com - This covers a lot of the maths in Year 6
https://www.spellzone.com - against the clock spelling game
https://www.spellzone.com - English Spelling bee game
http://www.topmarks.co.uk - Maths and Arithmetic
http://www.bbc.co.uk - BBC Maths
resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk - Year 6 Maths Quiz
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